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Your needs
To install a new bathroom, additional toilets, a laundry room, connect the condensate drain all without major work, SFA has the solution that meets your needs. With little work you can simply drain all the water.
Our products
Saniflo offers a wide range of macerating and grinding pump systems as well as drain and condensate pumps. With Saniflo above-floor plumbing technology, you decide where your new bathroom, kitchen or laundry room goes! You are no longer limited to locations where downhill drainage or gravity evacuates waste. You don't even need to be in close proximity to the main waste pipe (soil stack). Smarter, faster, cleaner, Saniflo makes it simple!
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Group SFA
From the invention of the first macerator 60 years ago right up the innovation happening today, find out more in this section about Saniflo and its parent company; Group SFA.
Save time on determining the most suitable solution for you! SFA offers you easy and reliable solutions for any job! Take a look at some of our Trade-Trusted Solutions!
Your professional tools
HVAC Condensate Pumps

The evacuation of condensate from boilers cannot always be done by gravity. This is why SFA provides a whole range of condensate lift pumps: for gas and oil boilers, for small kitchen boilers as well as for boilers and condensate neutralization systems.
HVAC Condensate Pumps

Any condensing boiler or HVAC system emits acidic condensate which can do a lot of harm to your plumbing systems, such as creaking rust and even leaks in your pies.
When installing a condensing system, you need to make sure you are evacuating the condensate correctly. Indeed, very often, the boilers are located far from any evacuation, hence the need to raise the condensate to the level of the sewer.
SFA is an expert in the field. We offer several solutions for lifting condensates or neutralizing them or both at the same time. Our Sanicondens range is designed to be compact to offer multiple discreet options. Such as our floor-standing boilers with integrated neutralization: the Sanicondens Best Flat combines these two advantages: its installation in your condensing boiler will neutralize the acidity of the condensates and pumps tit away safely.
How does it do this? Our system will neutralize the condensate by having it run through our neutralizing granules. Once neutralized, it is equipped with sensor inside that turns on a pump which will lift the treated condensate.
Our compact Sanicondens Best Flat has four inlets for easy installation. It is small in size and consists of a tank with a capacity of 2 liters. It can be fixed to the wall or to the floor.
Most important of all... It is silent! It is the ideal solution for the treatment of acidic water. A first pack of neutralizing granules is included with the Sanicondens Best Flat. The granules which should be replaced once per year. Thanks to these neutralization granules, your piping remains protected from any acid attack..
The Sanicondens Best Flat can also be connected to a dehumidifier. It comes with an alarm pre-connection in case of failure and a complete installation kit with non-return valve.