Our Commitments
SFA is an industrial group with a worldwide presence, whose primary purpose is simple: to design and manufacturer home and professional solutions wherever water flows.
Our ambition is to continue GROWING TOGETHER with all our partners and stakeholders (all those who participate in its economic life, those who deal with the company, and those whom it influences more or less directly), in a common approach of development and permanent progress.
Commitment to Respect guides our relations with all our stakeholders and must be a permanent part of our business activities and relationships. Recognition of individual difference must be taken into consideration and go beyond minimum observance of laws and regulations.
Respect is central to human interaction, not only within SFA and towards our customers, but also in our social and societal environments.
We respect individuals and their right to privacy.
As such, SFA undertakes
- not to discriminate for any reason whatsoever in working relationships and in particular:
- not to discriminate against persons on the grounds of gender or age, racial, social, cultural or national origin, union activity, sexual preference, disability, political opinion or religion;
- to recruit new staff and promote employees on the basis of exclusively professional criteria, according to their specific qualities and treat them with dignity, without favouritism and with due respect to their private life
Commitment to Integrity leads us to strictly observe our duty of honesty in our business dealings. It requires us all, and Management in particular, to individually set an example when carrying out our duties towards our customers, our colleagues, and all other stakeholders.
Commitment to Quality consists in providing our customers with quality service. Quality applies to every line of business and everyone plays a part and contributes to achieving this objective. Our ambition is to be acknowledged and endorsed by all our stakeholders by growing together.
The Team spirit that inspires us encompasses solidarity and cooperation. It means we can combine the best skills for the benefit of our customers and stakeholders, and together overcome the challenges facing us now and in the future.
Our action and conduct principles are in line with fundamental principles, such as those of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Modern Slavery Act and those set out by the International Labour Organisation (in particular those regarding the ban on child and forced labour).
Our commitment to our employees
SFA undertakes
to put in place the necessary measures to avoid any situation of harassment.
to ensures that the actions of its employees comply with the law, respect the rules of confidentiality and do not present any risk of corruption, conflict of interest or abuse of corporate assets.
to provide its employees with the necessary conditions to guarantee their health and safety at work and promotes the corresponding preventative training
to promote the professional development of its employees by ensuring that their tasks are enriched, that they are given the opportunity to improve their skills through appropriate training, that their careers evolve and that they are involved in the life of the company.
to comply with laws and regulations relating to the protection of employees' personal data
Our commitment to our customers
The confidence placed by SFA’s customers in its business and products is one of the company’s primary concerns.
The confidence of customers is acquired and maintained, in particular, through stringent respect for their rights, preservation of their interests and a constant concern to undertake only those commitments that can be upheld and respected.
SFA takes into account the needs of consumers by providing them with sanitary comfort solutions that meet their immediate and future needs.
SFA provides its customers with the technical information they need to develop their business, particularly with regard to the objective performance of products.
SFA complies with their commercial rules of the game in the relationship it maintains with its suppliers and customers and refrains from any practice that could distort the natural play of free competition. In particular, it rejects any favouritism or any risk of corruption.
SFA provides clients with commercial promotion actions to support their development, taking into account the legal constraints specific to each country.
Our commitment to our suppliers
SFA considers its Suppliers to be an integral part of the company’s value generation process, working in partnership with the same over the long term. The selection of Suppliers is not only based on convenience, but also pays particular attention to the quality of service and compliance with evaluation criteria aimed at promoting social and environmental responsibility throughout the supply chain. In this context, SFA undertakes to raise the awareness of suppliers to ensure they fully respect the rights of the people they work with, manage their companies transparently and sustainably and seek to reduce the environmental impact of their business.
SFA selects its suppliers on the basis of :
- Performance and Competitiveness of their products
- Quality of their Services and their ability to ensure their sustainability.
- The level of exclusivity required according to the strategic nature of the product or service
SFA guarantees transparency, impartiality and fairness of treatment in the consultations and in the awarding of its contracts; it bases its selection on an objective evaluation of suppliers, prices and the ability to provide the quality of the products purchased.
SFA subsidiaries implement appropriate selection and evaluation procedures for their suppliers and subcontractors that meet these requirements.
SFA develops partnership relationships with its suppliers that include confidentiality or even non-competition clauses, enabling each party to protect its interests.
SFA departments concerned by the purchase of products and services will establish:
- Calls for tenders
- Benchmark Terms and Conditions
- Systematic competitive bidding to find the best overall supplier with several quotes
- Rules for renegotiating contracts
Our commitment to the environment
SFA considers water as an essential world heritage and is therefore limiting consumption in its products and also its effects on the environment in its own factory
SFA is part of an active and voluntary approach to environmental preservation.
Its ISO 14001 certification is the criterion that validates this permanent approach.
On production sites, SFA ensures relations with its local residents to guarantee the preservation of mutual interests.
SFA ensures that it scrupulously respects the regulations, environments and cultures of the countries in which it operates.
Our commitment to our competitors
SFA supports fair competition and will restrain from public or face to face criticism of competitors or getting illegal information in business intelligence
SFA’s Management Departments take particular care to ensure that competition rules are strictly observed in each Country in accordance with their own regulations.
If necessary, they may maintain relations with their competitors in strict compliance with antitrust regulations.
Our commitment to our employees
SFA undertakes
to put in place the necessary measures to avoid any situation of harassment.
to ensures that the actions of its employees comply with the law, respect the rules of confidentiality and do not present any risk of corruption, conflict of interest or abuse of corporate assets.
to provide its employees with the necessary conditions to guarantee their health and safety at work and promotes the corresponding preventative training
to promote the professional development of its employees by ensuring that their tasks are enriched, that they are given the opportunity to improve their skills through appropriate training, that their careers evolve and that they are involved in the life of the company.
to comply with laws and regulations relating to the protection of employees' personal data
Our commitment to our customers
The confidence placed by SFA’s customers in its business and products is one of the company’s primary concerns.
The confidence of customers is acquired and maintained, in particular, through stringent respect for their rights, preservation of their interests and a constant concern to undertake only those commitments that can be upheld and respected.
SFA takes into account the needs of consumers by providing them with sanitary comfort solutions that meet their immediate and future needs.
SFA provides its customers with the technical information they need to develop their business, particularly with regard to the objective performance of products.
SFA complies with their commercial rules of the game in the relationship it maintains with its suppliers and customers and refrains from any practice that could distort the natural play of free competition. In particular, it rejects any favouritism or any risk of corruption.
SFA provides clients with commercial promotion actions to support their development, taking into account the legal constraints specific to each country.
Our commitment to our suppliers
SFA considers its Suppliers to be an integral part of the company’s value generation process, working in partnership with the same over the long term. The selection of Suppliers is not only based on convenience, but also pays particular attention to the quality of service and compliance with evaluation criteria aimed at promoting social and environmental responsibility throughout the supply chain. In this context, SFA undertakes to raise the awareness of suppliers to ensure they fully respect the rights of the people they work with, manage their companies transparently and sustainably and seek to reduce the environmental impact of their business.
SFA selects its suppliers on the basis of :
- Performance and Competitiveness of their products
- Quality of their Services and their ability to ensure their sustainability.
- The level of exclusivity required according to the strategic nature of the product or service
SFA guarantees transparency, impartiality and fairness of treatment in the consultations and in the awarding of its contracts; it bases its selection on an objective evaluation of suppliers, prices and the ability to provide the quality of the products purchased.
SFA subsidiaries implement appropriate selection and evaluation procedures for their suppliers and subcontractors that meet these requirements.
SFA develops partnership relationships with its suppliers that include confidentiality or even non-competition clauses, enabling each party to protect its interests.
SFA departments concerned by the purchase of products and services will establish:
- Calls for tenders
- Benchmark Terms and Conditions
- Systematic competitive bidding to find the best overall supplier with several quotes
- Rules for renegotiating contracts
Our commitment to the environment
SFA considers water as an essential world heritage and is therefore limiting consumption in its products and also its effects on the environment in its own factory
SFA is part of an active and voluntary approach to environmental preservation.
Its ISO 14001 certification is the criterion that validates this permanent approach.
On production sites, SFA ensures relations with its local residents to guarantee the preservation of mutual interests.
SFA ensures that it scrupulously respects the regulations, environments and cultures of the countries in which it operates.
Our commitment to our competitors
SFA supports fair competition and will restrain from public or face to face criticism of competitors or getting illegal information in business intelligence
SFA’s Management Departments take particular care to ensure that competition rules are strictly observed in each Country in accordance with their own regulations.
If necessary, they may maintain relations with their competitors in strict compliance with antitrust regulations.
For any information on ethics and compliance or to report an ethics incident to the Group, please contact us via our contact form: